导师姓名:Muhammad Aamer Mehmood
Muhammad Aamer Mehmood教授为四川轻化工大学欧洲杯买球网站入口引进外籍专家,研究生导师。巴基斯坦真纳大学与厦门大学联合培养博士,上海交通大学博士后。曾被巴基斯坦科学技术委员会授予2011年、2012年和2014年的研究生产力奖(巴基斯坦最负盛名的学术奖项之一),并被Positive Pakistan授予2017年的青年领袖奖。2018年入选四川省引进海外高层次人才“千人计划”四川省特聘专家。
1. Wang, N, P Zhang, X Zhou, J Zheng, Y Ma, C Liu, T Wu, H Li, X Wang, H Wang, X Zhao, MA Mehmood*, H Zhu*. Isolation, identification, and characterization of an acid-tolerant Pichia kudriavzevii and exploration of its acetic acid tolerance mechanism. Fermentation. 2023, 9(6), 540 (IF = 5.123)
2. Asghar A, CG Liu, I Ali, AZ Khan, H Zhu, N Wang, M Nawaz, TA Tabish, MA Mehmood*, RT Rasool. Bioenergy potential of Saccharum bengalense through pyrolysis, reaction kinetics, TG-FTIR-GCMS analysis of pyrolysis products, and validation of the pyrolysis data through machine learning. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023: 142930 (IF = 16.744)
3. Usman M, M Amin, I Kamal, A Shahid, J Xu, MA Alam, MA Mehmood*, GA Ashraf, R Boopathy. Algae-mediated resource recovery from urban wastewater. Current Pollution Reports. 2023, 9:243–258 (IF = 8.097)
4. Alhumade H, OS Alayed, MW Iqbal, A Shahid, T Iqbal, MS Ahmad, A Elkamel, Y Al-Turki, MA Mehmood*, GA Ashraf. Exploration of the bioenergy potential of Dactyloctenium aegyptium through pyrolysis, kinetics, and thermodynamic parameters to produce clean fuels and biochemicals. Fuel. 2023; 127663 (IF = 8.035)
5. Haider MN, AZ Khan, M Usman, D Balakrishnan, MR Javed, S Malik, CG Liu, MA Mehmood*, GA Ashraf. Impact of seasons and wastewater cultivation on the biomass and biodiesel production by the Plectonema terebrans BERC10 as a candidate of a multiproduct algal biorefinery. Fuel. 2023; 332: 125987 (IF = 8.035).
1. Metabolic engineering of yeast strains to produce and secret advanced biofuels,中国国家自然基金项目,主持,2017年
2. “酿酒酵母代谢途径工程生产第四代生物燃料”,巴基斯坦高等教育委员会资助,主持,2020-2023年
3. “CRISPR-Cas9指导尼日尔曲霉基因组工程以增强纤维素酶生产”,巴基斯坦高等教育委员会资助,主持,2017-2020
4. 酿酒丢糟与黄水基于微生物与热化学平台的综合化利用研究,五粮液集团公司-四川轻化工大学科研合作项目,主持,2021年